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Volume 22 - 1997

The Role of Marine Mammals in the Ecosystem


For 1995, the Scientific Council initiated this Special Session titled 'The Role of Marine Mammals in the Ecosystem', as a Symposium of topical interest to NAFO. The Council invited International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) to co-sponsor the Symposium. The Joint NAFO/ICES Symposium was hosted by the NAFO Scientific Council at the NAFO 17th Annual Meeting held at the Holiday Inn, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. This volume of the Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science contains papers presented at the Symposium. The Symposium was jointly convened by G. B. Stenson (Canada-NAFO) from the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, and J. Sigurjónsson (Iceland-ICES) from the Marine Research Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland. A total of 51 papers and posters were presented of which 26 papers were submitted by the authors for consideration for publication in this issue.


Table of contents

The papers are currently available as pdf versions only


Theme Session 1: Environmental, Spatial and Temporal Influences of Life History 
Seasonal Variation in Body Condition of Adult Barents Sea Harp Seals (Phoca groenlandica)
Nilssen, K. T., T. Haug, P. E. Grotnes and V. Potelov
Relationships Between Odontocete Distributions and Zooplankton Community Structure Along the Southern Edge of Georges Bank
R. B. Griffin
Using Geographic Information Systems to Predict North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis) Habitat
Moses, E. and J. T. Finn

The Occurrence of Vagrant Seals in Iceland, in 1989-94
Erlingur Hauksson and Valur Bogason 

Cetacean Habitats in the Alaskan Arctic
Moore, S. E. and D. P. DeMaster
Theme Session 2: Foraging Strategies and Energetic Considerations
Use of Biopsy Samples of Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) Skin for Stable Isotope Determination
Todd, S., P. Ostrom, J. Lien and J. Abrajano
Feeding of Fin Whales (Balaenoptera physalus) off Iceland - Diurnal and Seasonal Variation and Possible Rates
Gísli A. Víkingsson
Do Minke Whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) Exhibit Particular Prey Preferences?
Hans J. Skaug, Harald Gjosæter, Tore Haug, Kjell T. Nilssen and Ulf Lindstrøm
On the Variation in Size and Composition of Minke Whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) Forestomach Contents
Tore Haug, Kjell T. Nilssen , Ulf Lindstrøm and Hans Julius Skaug
Studying Prey Selection by Seals: The Utility of Prey Preference Experiments
Boyle, G. J. (NOTE)
Diets of Albacore, Thunnus alalunga, and Dolphins, Delphinus delphis and Stenella coerulaeoalba, Caught in the Northeast Atlantic Albacore Drift-net Fishery: A Progress Report
Sami Hassani, Loïc Antoine and Vincent Ridoux
Comparative Feeding of Grey (Halichoerus grypus) and Common Seals (Phoca vitulina) in Coastal Waters of Iceland, with a Note on the Diet of Hooded (Cystophora cristata) and Harp Seals (Phoca groenlandica)
Erlingur Hauksson and Valur Bogason
Theme Session 3: Marine Mammal - Fisheries Interactions
Predation by Harp Seals in Atlantic Canada: Preliminary Consumption Estimates for Arctic Cod, Capelin and Atlantic Cod
G. B. Stenson, M. O. Hammill and J. W. Lawson
Estimates of Prey Consumption and Trophic Impacts of Cetaceans in the USA Northeast Continental Shelf Ecosystem
Robert D. Kenney, Gerald P. Scott, Thomas J. Thompson and Howard E. Winn
Competition Between Fisheries and Marine Mammals for Prey and Primary Production in the Pacific Ocean
Andrew W. Trites, Villy Christensen and Daniel Pauly
Direct and Indirect Effects of Highseas Fisheries on the Marine Mammal Populations in the Northern and Central Patagonian Coast
Enrique A. Crespo, Susana N. Pedraza, Silvana L. Dans, Mariano Koen Alonso, Laura M. Reyes, Néstor A. García, Mariano Coscarella and Adrián C. M. Schiavini
Interactions Between Dutch Midwater Trawl and Atlantic White-sided Dolphins (Lagenorhynchus acutus) Southwest of Ireland
A.S. Couperus
Cetacean Interactions with Trawls: A Preliminary Review
D. Fertl and S. Leatherwood
Estimated Fish Consumption by Hooded Seals (Cystophora cristata), in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
M. O. Hammill, C. Lydersen, K. M. Kovacs and B. Sjare
Anisakid (Nematoda) Infestations in Icelandic Grey Seals (Halichoerus grypus Fabr.)
Olafsdottir, D. and E. Hauksson
Seasonal Abundance of and Estimated Food Consumption by Cetaceans in Icelandic and Adjacent Waters
Jóhann Sigurjónsson and Gísli A. Víkingsson
Theme Session 4: Theoretical Considerations on the Role of Apex Predators and Multispecies Models 
Quantifying Some of the Major Sources of Uncertainty Associated with Estimates of Harp Seal Prey Consumption. Part I: Uncertainty in the Estimates of Harp Seal Population Size
Warren, W. G., P. A. Shelton and G. B. Stenson
Quantifying Some of the Major Sources of Uncertainty Associated with Estimates of Harp Seal Prey Consumption. Part II: Uncertainty in Consumption Estimates Associated with Population Size, Residency, Energy Requirement and Diet
Shelton, P. A., W. G. Warren, G. B. Stenson and J. W. Lawson
MULTSPEC - A Multi-species Model for Fish and Marine Mammals in the Barents Sea
Bogstad, B., K. H. Hauge and O. Ulltang
Current and Historical Roles of Apex Predators in the Bering Sea Ecosystem
Richard L. Merrick
On Dynamic Interactions Between Some Fish Resources and Cetaceans off Iceland Based on a Simulation Model
Gunnar Stefánsson, Jóhann Sigurjónsson and Gísli A. Víkingsson
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Posted in: Volume 22 - 1997
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Posted in: Volume 22 - 1997
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Posted in: Volume 22 - 1997
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