
The Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science is a longstanding peer-reviewed journal focusing on all aspects of marine fisheries science and fisheries management. Journal topics span marine biology, ecology, stock assessment, fisheries technology, oceanography, policy, and socioeconomics. The journal primarily focuses on the Northwest Atlantic Ocean but welcomes any contribution of general applicability to fisheries science. Specific topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • General aspects of the biology and life history of marine organisms
  • The influence of climate change and variability on marine ecosystems
  • Aspects of population dynamics and/or interactions of marine species
  • Novel methods related to stock assessment, population forecasting, and other means of providing science advice (e.g. MSE)
  • Ecosystem science and modelling
  • Vulnerable marine ecosystems
  • Incorporating ecosystem, economic, and social science aspects into fisheries modelling
  • Methods (e.g. tagging, telemetry) to study the movement patterns of marine organisms

The Journal’s origins are in 1964 when The International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (ICNAF) started producing the “ICNAF Research Bulletin” as a publication outlet for the scientific research being produced by member countries. The Research Bulletin was rebranded as the “Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science” in 1980 after ICNAF was replaced by The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization. The Journal was first published online in 2004 and in 2021 the Journal became a fully electronic open-access publication.

The Journal publishes:

  • Peer-reviewed, double-anonymized papers that reflect NAFO’s objectives of sustainable fisheries management and conservation.
  • Original research papers as well as topical review papers are welcome.
  • Manuscript submissions and peer review are accomplished via Scholastica. See the Instructions tab for submission guidelines.
  • Scientific symposia sponsored by NAFO or in collaboration with other international scientific fisheries organizations, e.g. the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) are published in special volumes of the Journal.


1601 Lower Water Street, Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3J 3P6

Journal Metrics

The journal is indexed in the Aquatic Sciences Fisheries Abstract (ASFA) database, Elsevier, EBSCO, Google Scholar, & SCOPUS.