Spatiotemporal variability in Atlantic sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) growth in the Northern Gulf of Maine Hodgdon, C.T., Torre, M., and Chen, Y. Article No. 2; Upload date: 26 Jun 2020; pages 15-31
Evaluating sampling strategies for collecting size-based fish fecundity data: an example of Gulf of Maine northern shrimp Pandalus borealis
Chang, H.-Y., and Chen, Y.
Article No. 3; Upload date: 08 July 2020; pages 33-43
A state-space stock assessment model for American plaice on the Grand Bank of Newfoundland Perreault, A.M.J, Wheeland, L.J., Morgan, M.J., and Cadigan, N.G.
Article No. 4; Upload date: 15 October 2020; pages 45-104 (includes supplementary data)
Reproductive biology of Isurus oxyrinchus captured by the south Brazilian surface longline commercial fleet in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean, with data on CPUE and size distribution by sex
Canani, G. and Oddone, M.C.
Article No. 5; Upload date: 13 November 2020; pages 105-116
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