KULKA, D. W., J. A. MUSICK, M. G. PAWSON and T. I. WALKER. Report of the Symposium Elasmobranch Fisheries: Managing for Sustainable Use and Biodiversity Conservation
Session I. Life History and Demographic Analysis (Convenor: J. Musick)
GALLAGHER, M. J., F. JEAL, and C. P. NOLAN. An Investigation of the Irish Ray Fishery in ICES Divisions VIIa and VIIg
Article No. 3; Upload date: 5 October 2004; pages 1-13 (pdf = .6MB)
CALIS, E., E. H. JACKSON, C. P. NOLAN, and F. JEAL. Preliminary Age and Growth Estimates of the Rabbitfish, Chimaera monstrosa, with Implications for Future Resource Management
Article No. 21; Upload date: 3 February 2005; pages 15-26
FRISK, M. G., T. J. MILLER, and N. K. DULVY. Life Histories and Vulnerability to Exploitation of Elasmobranchs: Inferences from Elasticity, Perturbation and Phylogenetic Analyses
Article No. 4; Upload date: 14 October 2005; pages 27-45
GALLAGHER, M. J., C. P. NOLAN, and F. JEAL. Age, Growth and Maturity of the Commercial Ray Species from the Irish Sea
Article No. 10; Upload date: 25 November 2004; pages 47-66
GEDAMKE, T., W. D. DUPAUL, and J. A. MUSICK. Observations on the Life History of the Barndoor Skate, Dipturus laevis, on Georges Bank (Western North Atlantic)
Article No. 19; Upload date: 10 January 2005; pages 67-78
HENDERSON, A. C., A. I. ARKHIPKIN, and J. N. CHTCHERBICH. Distribution, Growth and Reproduction of the White-spotted Skate Bathyraja albomaculata (Norman, 1937) Around the Falkland Islands
Article No. 1; Upload date: 29 September 2004; pages 79-87
IVORY, P., F., F. JEAL, AND C. P. NOLAN. Age Determination, Growth and Reproduction in the Lesser-spotted Dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula (L.)
Article No. 2; Upload date: 29 September 2004; pages 89-106
MÁRQUEZ-FARIAS, J. F., D. CORRO-ESPINOSA, and J. L. CASTILLO-GÉNIZ. Observations of the Biology of the Pacific Sharpnose Shark (Rhizoprionodon longurio, Jordan and Gilbert, 1882), Captured in Southern Sinaloa, México
Article No. 37; Upload date: 18 March 2005; pages 107-114
SOSEBEE, K. A. Are Density-dependent Effects on Elasmobranch Maturity Possible?
Article No. 27; Upload date: 3 March 2005; pages 115-124
GALLAGHER, M. J., C. P. NOLAN, and F. JEAL. The Structure and Growth Processes of Caudal Thorns
Article No. 31; Upload date: 4 March 2005; pages 125-129
RODRÍGUEZ-CABELLO, C., F. SÁNCHEZ, and F. VELASCO. Growth of Lesser Spotted Dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula L., 1758) in the Cantabrian Sea, Based on Tag-recapture Data
Article No. 17; Upload date: 7 January 2005; pages 131-140
SOSEBEE, K. A. Maturity of Skates in Northeast United States Waters
Article No. 9; Upload date: 22 November 2004; pages 141-153
STENBERG, C. Life History of the Piked Dogfish (Squalus acanthias L.) in Swedish Waters
Article No. 25; Upload date: 2 March 2005; pages 155-164
CHARVET-ALMEIDA., P. M. L. GÓES DE ARAUJO, and M. PINTO DE ALMEIDA. Reproductive Aspects of Freshwater Stingrays (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) in the Brazilian Amazon Basin
Article No. 22; Upload date:14 February 2005; pages 165-171
Session II. Stock Identity (Convenor: M. G. Pawson)
PAWSON, M. G., and J. R. ELLIS. Stock Identity of Elasmobranchs in the Northest Atlantic in Relation to Assessment and Management
Article No. 38; Upload date: 23 March 2005; pages 173-193
ELLIS, J. R., A. CRUZ-MARTÍNEZ, B. D. RACKHAM, and S. I. ROGERS. The Distribution of Chondrichthyan Fishes Around the British Isles and Implications for Conservation
Article No. 5; Upload date: 10 November 2004; pages 195-213
REY, J., L. GIL DE SOLA, and E. MASSUTÍ. Distribution and Biology of the Blackmouth Catshark Galeus melastomus in the Alboran Sea (Southwestern Mediterranean)
Article No. 6; Upload date: 10 November 2004; pages 215-223
VALSECCHI, E., M. VACCHI, and G. NOTARBARTOLO DI SCIARA. Characterization of a New Molecular Marker for Investigating Skate Population Genetics: Analysis of Three Mediterranean Skate Species (genus Raja) of Commercial Interest as a Test Case
Article No. 42; Upload date: 8 April 2005; pages 225-231
DRAKE, S. C., J. A. DRAKE, and M. L. JOHNSON. 2000+ UK Shark Tagging Program: An Angler Led Shark-tagging Initiative in UK Coastal Waters
Article No. 28; Upload date: 3 March 2005; pages 233-238
HUETER, R. E., M. R. HEUPEL, E. J. HEIST, and D. B. KEENEY. Evidence of Philopatry in Sharks and Implications for the Management of Shark Fisheries
Article No. 7; Upload date: 17 November 2004; pages 239-247
DOLGOV, A. V., K. V. DREVETNYAK, and E. V. GUSEV. The Status of Skate Stocks in the Barents Sea
Article No. 33; Upload date: 8 March 2005; pages 249-260
ELIAS, I., A. RODRIGUEZ, E. HASAN, M. V. REYNA, and R. AMOROSO. Biological Observations of the Tope Shark, Galeorhinus galeus, in the Northern Patagonian Gulfs of Argentina
Article No. 11; Upload date: 7 December 2004; pages 261-265
Session III. Stock Identity (Convenor: D. Kulka)
PRIBAC, F., A. E. PUNT, B. L. TAYLOR, and T. I. WALKER. Using Length, Age and Tagging Data in a Stock Assessment of a Length Selective Fishery for Gummy Shark (Mustelus antarcticus)
Article No. 39; Upload date: 24 March 2005; pages 267-290
FIGUEIREDO, I., P. B. MACHADO, and L. S. GORDO. Deep-water Sharks Fisheries off the Portuguese Continental Coast
Article No. 32; Upload date: 8 March 2005; pages 291-298
HAMMOND, T. R., and J. R. ELLIS. Bayesian Assessment of Northeast Atlantic Spurdog Using a Stock Production Model, with Prior for Intrinsic Population Growth Rate Set by Demographic Methods
Article No. 8; Upload date: 19 November 2004; pages 299-308
WAKEFORD, R. C., D. J. AGNEW, D. A. J. MIDDLETON, J. H. W. POMPERT, and V. V. LAPTIKHOVSKY. Management of the Falkland Islands Multispecies Ray Fishery: Is Species-specific Management Required?
Article No. 12; Upload date: 17 November 2004; pages 309-324
FERNÁNDEZ, L., F. SALMERÓN, and A. RAMOS. Change in Elasmobranchs and Other Incidental Species in the Spanish Deepwater Black Hake Trawl Fishery off Mauritania (1992-2001)
Article No. 30; Upload date: 4 March 2005; pages 325-331
PÉREZ-JIMÉNEZ, J. C., O. SOSA-NISHIZAKI, and E. FURLONG-ESTRADA, D. CORRO-ESPINOSA, A. VENEGAS-HERRERA, and O. V. BARRAGÁN-CUENCAS. Artisanal Shark Fishery at "Tres Marias" Islands and Isabel Island in the Central Mexican Pacific
Article No. 43; Upload date: 15 April 2005; pages 333-343
ABELLA, A. J., and F. SERENA. Comparison of Elasmobranch Catches from Research Trawl Surveys and Commercial Landings at Port of Viareggio, Italy, in the Last Decade
Article No. 23; Upload date: 14 February 2005; pages 345-356
DOLGOV, A. V., A. A. GREKOV, I. P. SHESTOPAL, and K. M. SOKOLOV. By-catch of Skates in Trawl and Long-Line Fisheries in the Barents Sea
Article No. 35; Upload date: 9 March 2005; pages 357-366
CRUZ-MARTÍNEZ, A., X. CHIAPPA-CARRARA, and V. ARENAS-FUENTES. Age and Growth of the Bull Shark, Carcharhinus leucas, from Southern Gulf of Mexico
Article No. 13; Upload date: 9 December 2004; pages 367-374
RODRÍGUEZ-CABELLO, C., A. FERNÁNDEZ, I. OLASO, F. SÁNCHEZ, R. GANCEDO, A. PUNZÓN, and O. CENDRERO. Overview of Continental Shelf Elasmobranch Fisheries in the Cantabrian Sea
Article No. 16; Upload date: 7 January 2005; pages 375-385
Session IV. Harvest Strategies and Biodiverity Maintenance (Convenor: T. Walker)
PUNT, A. E., F. PRIBAC, B. L. TAYLOR, and T. I. WALKER. Harvest Strategy Evaluation for School and Gummy Shark
Article No. 18; Upload date: 10 January 2005; pages 387-406
PRINCE, J. D. Gauntlet Fisheries for Elasmobranches - the Secret of Sustainable Shark Fisheries
Article No. 29; Upload date: 3 March 2005; pages 407-416
SACHSE, M. L., and G. R. RICHARDSON. Moving from Input Controls to Output Controls Using the Partnership Approach in Australia's Southern Shark Fishery
Article No. 40; Upload date: 24 March 2005; pages 417-428
CLARKE, M. W., L. BORGES, and R. A. OFFICER. Comparisons of Trawl and Longline Catches of Deepwater Elasmobranchs West and North of Ireland
Article No. 41; Upload date: 4 April 2005; pages 429-442
MÁRQUEZ-FARIAS, J. F. Gillnet Mesh Selectivity for the Shovelnose Guitarfish (Rhinobatos productus) from Fishery-Dependent Data in the Artisanal Ray Fishery of the Gulf of California, Mexico
Article No. 36; Upload date: 21 March 2005; pages 443-452
CLARKE, S. C., M. K. MCALLISTER, and C. G. J. MICHIELSENS. Estimates of Sharp Species Composition and Numbers Associated with the Shark Fin Trade Based on Hong Kong Auction Data
Article No. 14; Upload date: 14 December 2004; pages 453-465
SÁNCHEZ, F., C. RODRÍGUEZ-CABELLO, and I. OLASO. The Role of Elasmobranchs in the Cantabrian Sea Shelf Ecosystem and Impact of the Fisheries on Them
Article No. 20; Upload date: 11 January 2005; pages 467-480
OLASO, I., F. VELASCO, F. SÁNCHEZ, A. SERRANO, C. RODRÍGUEZ-CABELLO and O. CENDRERO. Trophic Relations of Lesser-Spotted Catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) and Blackmouth Catshark (Galeus melastomus) in the Cantabrian Sea
Article No. 15; Upload date: 16 December 2004; pages 481-494
DOLGOV, A. V. Feeding and Food Consumption by the Barents Sea Skates
Article No. 34; Upload date: 8 March 2005; pages 495-503
WALKER, T. I., R. J. HUDSON, and A. S. GASON. Catch Evaluation of Target, By-product and By-catch Species Taken by Gillnets and Longlines in the Shark Fishery of South-eastern Australia
Article No. 24; Upload date: 22 February 2005; pages 505-530
COELHO, R., K. ERZINI, L. BENTES, C. CORREIA, P. G. LINO, P. MONTEIRO, J. RIBEIRO, and J. M. S. GONÇALVES. Semi-pelagic Longline and Trammel Net Elasmobranch Catches in Southern Portugal: Catch Composition, Catch Rates and Discards
Article No. 26; Upload date: 2 March 2005; pages 531-537
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