Margot L. Sachse and Geoff R. Richardson
Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Box 7051 Canberra BC, Canberra ACT 2610, Australia
Publication (Upload) date: 24 March 2005
SACHSE, M. L. and G. R. RICHARDSON. 2005. Moving from Input Controls to Output Controls Using the Partnership Approach in Australia's Southern Shark Fishery. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci., 35: 417-428.
The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) maintains a firm commitment to managing Federal (Commonwealth) fisheries resources for the benefit of the community as a whole. The AFMA model centres around a partnership approach in which a wide range of stakeholders are actively involved in the process of developing and implementing fisheries management arrangements for Commonwealth fisheries. Central to AFMA’s partnership approach is the establishment and operation of Management Advisory Committees and Fisheries Assessment Groups for each major fishery managed by AFMA.
AFMA successfully moved the Southern Shark Fishery (SSF) from input controls to output controls over a period of 5 years. AFMA achieved this by using the partnership approach with the Southern Shark Fishery Management Advisory Committee (SharkMAC) and the Southern Shark Fishery Assessment Group (SharkFAG). In the two year period since output controls were introduced on 1 January 2001 the industry has undergone considerable change. Some fishers are finding it difficult to operate in the current environment. Industry and AFMA must continue to work together under the partnership approach to ensure the school shark stocks are rebuilt and environmental standards are maintained and further improved to ensure the long-term sustainability of the fishery.
This paper presents an overview of the SSF and describes the management structure for the fishery focusing on the implementation of Individual Transferable Quota management.
Key words: Australia, controls, gummy shark, management, shark, school shark
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: SACHSE, M. L. and G. R. RICHARDSON. 2005. Moving from Input Controls to Output Controls Using the Partnership Approach in Australia's Southern Shark Fishery.
: 417-428.