S. C. Drake and J. A. Drake
2000+ UK Shark Tagging Program, 48 Woodbridge Avenue Leatherhead, Surrey, United Kingdom KT22 7QN
M. L. Johnson
Scarborough Centre for Coastal Studies, University of Hull
Filey Road, Scarborough, Ontario YO12 3EZ
Publication (Upload) date: 3 March 2005
DRAKE, S. C., J. A. DRAKE, and M. L. JOHNSON. 2005. 2000+ UK Shark Tagging Program: An Angler Led Shark-tagging Initiative in UK Coastal Waters. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci., 35: 233–238. https://doi.org/10.2960/J.v35.m483
The "2000+ UK Shark tagging program" was originally developed by anglers in order to better understand the distribution and behaviour of their target species. By September 2002, 220 volunteer taggers measured, weighed and tagged 2 374 sharks. Despite limited funding, this program is beginning to provide data on distributions, movement rates and behaviour, and has developed a length-girth-weight chart that allows anglers to estimate the weight of their catch without killing them. The program is helping to promote the image of sea anglers both to the public and amongst themselves as being "conservation conscious".
Key words: angling, conservation, shark-tagging
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: DRAKE, S. C., J. A. DRAKE, and M. L. JOHNSON. 2005. 2000+ UK Shark Tagging Program: An Angler Led Shark-tagging Initiative in UK Coastal Waters.
: 233–238. https://doi.org/10.2960/J.v35.m483