Charlott Stenberg1
1Masters' Thesis in Marine Zoology performed during the autumn of 1997, University of Gothenburg.
Fiskeriverkets Utredningskontor, Box 423, SE-401 26 Göteborg, Sweden
Publication (Upload) date: 2 March 2005
STENBERG, C. 2005. Life History of the Piked Dogfish (Squalus acanthias L.) in Swedish Waters. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci., 35: 155-164.
A study of existing literature regarding the piked dogfish (Squalus acanthias) behaviour, sexual maturation and age analyses with comparison between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean is presented. This study examines the life history of the piked dogfish in Swedish waters. Females of the piked dogfish from the Skagerrak were investigated on two occasions during the autumn of 1997. Fifty percent (50%) of the females were sexually mature by the age of 12–13 years and 77 cm. The average number of large eggs (>2 cm) was 8.1 and the average number of embryos was 5.8.
Key words: Atlantic, dogfish, life history, maturation, migrations, Pacific, Sweden, tagging
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: STENBERG, C. 2005. Life History of the Piked Dogfish (
L.) in Swedish Waters.
: 155-164.