Manuscript Organization
Title: The manuscript should begin with the title, followed by the name(s), address(es) and e-mails of the author(s) including professional affiliation(s), and any related footnotes. The name and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be provided.
Abstract: The Abstract should be an informative, concise summary of the manuscript but should not exceed 300 words in length.
Keywords: The Keywords section should include four to five keywords, listed alphabetically, that are useful search terms for the article.
The text should be sequentially organized into the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Acknowledgments. Authors should be guided by the organization of papers that have been published in the NAFO Journal or Studies.
1. Introduction: The Introduction section should include the purpose and rationale of the study and any background information necessary for the reader to understand the study topic. Text citations should list references by date rather than alphabetically
2. Materials and Methods: The Materials and Methods section should describe in sufficient detail the methods used, so as to enable other scientists to evaluate or replicate the work.
3. Results: The Results section should answer the questions evolving from the purpose of the study in a comprehensive manner in an orderly and coherent sequence, with supporting tables and figures.
4. Discussion: The Discussion section should explain the main contributions from the study, with appropriate interpretation of the results focusing on the problem or hypothesis. Comparisons with other studies should be included here.
5. Acknowledgements: The Acknowledgements section should be limited to the names of individuals who provided significant scientific and technical support, including reviews, during the preparation of the manuscript, and the names of agencies which provided financial support.
6. References: The References cited in the text should be listed alphabetically by the first author, then by date. The surnames of two authors may be used in a citation, but et al. should be used for citations with more than two authors. The citation of meeting documents (e.g., NAFO Scientific Council Reports) should contain the abbreviation "MS". The Digital Object Identifier (doi) should be included if available. The following URL can be used to check this References should be mainly restricted to primary English journal publications but may include other types of published literature. Website references should include the URL and access date. Unpublished documents and data, papers in preparation and papers awaiting acceptance to other journals may be cited with full contact addresses as unpublished or personal communications.
Examples of Reference formats:
Pares, P., and Britain, B. 1965. Predator–prey behaviour of herring (Clupea harengus albertus). International Journal of Applied Biology, 24: 132–135.
Havfrue, D. L. 1990. Ecological implications of genetic mutation. In Studies in Parthenogenesis, 2nd ed., pp. 282–289. Ed. by F. Ray, and O. Lith. Thalassa Press, London. 331 pp.
Meeting document:
Ávila de Melo, A. M., D. Power and R. Alpoim. MS 2005. An assessment of the status of the redfish in NAFO Division 3LN, NAFO SCR Doc., No. 52, Serial No. 5138, 19 p.
Supplementary Materials
Articles may include supplementary materials and are displayed as a separate document next to the main article, in a PDF format. They are published as is.
Tables and Figures
All tables and figures must be cited in the text and numbered consecutively within the text. Figure captions should be included, double-spaced, on a separate page. Each table and figure should have a concise descriptive caption. Figures should be submitted in black and white. Colour figures and photographs are acceptable only if colour is essential to the content. Each table and figure should be submitted separately or as zipped files. See table for guidance. We prefer .wmf, .emf, .ps, .eps files for vector figures. Raster images such as photos, pictures, maps can be in .jpeg, .png, .tiff formats and should be 300 ppi (high resolution).
Joint Photographic Experts Group, can be used anywhere, but doesn't resize, raster image
Portable Network Graphic, used for screens only, not for print use, doesn't resize
Tagged Image File Format, can be used for print, raster image, doesn’t resize
Scalable Vector Graphic, easily resizable, can be used for vectors, web only
Adobe Illustrator, easily resizable, can be used for vectors
Encapsulated Postscript, easily resizable, can be used for vectors
Enhanced Windows Metafile, best choice with Word; easily resizable, can be used for vectors
Windows Metafile Format only; best choice with Word; easily resizable, can be used for vectors
Portable Document File, best choice with pdflatex; easily resizable, can be used for vectors
Best choice with latex and Open Office; easily resizable, can be used for vectors
Green highlight – raster format; blue highlight – vector format
Scientific Council Studies series
Papers published in the Studies series are not peer-reviewed. Rather, the Studies series includes papers which are of interest and importance to the current and future activities of the Scientific Council, but which do not meet the high standards required by the Journal. Such papers have usually been presented as research documents at Scientific Council meetings and nominated for publication by the Scientific Council’s Standing Committee on Publications