The Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science publishes:
- Peer-reviewed, double-anonymized papers that reflect NAFO’s objectives of sustainable fisheries management and conservation.
- All submissions including the peer review are accessed online via Scholastica. See the Instructions tab for submission guidelines.
- The Journal focuses on the Northwest Atlantic Ocean but also welcomes contributions of general applicability to fisheries science.
- Review papers are welcome.
- Emphasis is placed on environmental, biological, economic and social science aspects of fisheries and their interactions with marine habitats and ecosystems.
- Scientific symposia sponsored by NAFO or in collaboration with other international scientific fisheries organizations, e.g. the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) are published in special volumes of the Journal.

1602 Lower Water Street, Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3J 3P6
Journal Metrics
The journal is indexed in the Aquatic Sciences Fisheries Abstract (ASFA) database, Elsevier, EBSCO, Google Scholar, & SCOPUS.
History of the Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science
The International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (ICNAF), inspired by the large amount of relevant fisheries research conducted by scientists of its member countries, started publishing the “ICNAF Research Bulletin” as an annual scientific publication in 1964. The objective of this journal was to create a high standard scientific publication that served the requirements of the Commission and also stimulated research efforts in the member countries.
When the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Convention was established in 1979, NAFO’s Scientific Council inherited much of the structure and traditions of ICNAF including the Research Bulletin which received a new name and since 1980 has continued as the “Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science”. The NAFO Scientific Council established an Editorial Board with a General Editor and Associate Editors. Scientific Council’s Standing Committee on Publications (STACPUB) defines the terms of reference for the journal.
Beginning in 2004, NAFO introduced a website dedicated solely to its scientific journal. The purpose of this website is to allow more rapid publication of individual papers and to achieve a wider reader distribution.
We hope you enjoy the Journal!