NAFO posted on October 01, 2003 13:57
J. A. A. Perez, R. Wahrlich, P. R. Pezzuto, P. R. Schwingel, F. R. A. Lopes, and M. Rodrigues-Ribeiro
Centro de Ciências Tecnológicas da Terra e do Mar (CTTMar), Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI)
Cx. Postal 360, Itaja¡, Santa Catarina, CEP 88302-202, Brazil
Source - Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, Volume 31:1-18
J. A. A. Perez, R. Wahrlich, P. R. Pezzuto, P. R. Schwingel, F. R. A. Lopes, and M. Rodrigues-Ribeiro. 2003. Deep-sea Fishery off Southern Brail: Recent Trends of the Brazilian Fishing Industry. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci., 31: 1-18.
Deep-sea fishing has been considered one important alternative for the required fishing effort reduction on the continental shelf off southern Brazil. In 1998, the Department of Fishery and Aquaculture, Ministry of Agriculture (Brazil), launched a deep-sea fishing program based on the chartering of foreign vessels to national companies, as a measure to obtain scientific and technological subsidies to stimulate the redirection of fisheries towards unexploited fishing grounds within the Brazilian EEZ. As a result deep-sea fishing operations have been recently conducted off southern Brazil by vessels originally from Spain, Korea, Portugal, Japan and the United Kingdom. These operations have been monitored by observers and by satellite Vessel Monitoring Systems, as part of a scientific cooperation program established with the University of "Vale do Itajaí" since October 2000. Catches per trip as large as 262.8, 49.6, 44.5, and 196.2 tons were reported for trawling, longlining, gillnetting and potting operations respectively. Several fishing areas 200 to 866 m deep were identified as productive grounds for valuable resources including the monkfish Lophius gastrophysus, the silver john dory Zenopsis conchifer, the wreckfish Polyprion americanus, the pink cusk-eel Genypterus brasiliensis, the red crab Chaceon spp., and the Argentine squid Illex argentinus. Apart from the wreckfish, which is already fully exploited by the national fleet, sustainable fishing potentials of the other species are currently unknown and urgently required. While fishing and biological data to that end, have been adequately provided by the chartered fleet off southern Brazil, the expansion of the chartering program, with the entry of new foreign vessels, is not recommended until better scientific subsidies become available.
Language - English
Publisher - Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO), Dartmouth, N.S., Canada
Publication Date - 2003
Publication Type - Journal Article
Descriptors - Argentine squid, deep-sea fisheries, monkfish, observers program, red crab, silver john dory, Southern Brazil, wreckfish
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Citation: J. A. A. Perez, R. Wahrlich, P. R. Pezzuto, P. R. Schwingel, F. R. A. Lopes, and M. Rodrigues-Ribeiro. 2003. Deep-sea Fishery off Southern Brail: Recent Trends of the Brazilian Fishing Industry.
J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci.,
31: 1-18.