Robert E. Schmidt
Bard College at Simon’s Rock, 84 Alford Rd.,
Great Barrington, MA 01230, USA
Publication (Upload) date: 31 Dec 2007
SCHMIDT, R. E. 2007. Young striped searobins (Triglidae: Prionotus evolans) in the Hudson River. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci., 38: 67–71.
The spatial and temporal distribution of young of year searobin (Prionotus) was delineated in the Hudson River from museum specimens. All young searobins in the Hudson River were Prionotus evolans (L.). The smallest young striped searobin are found in the southern estuary in July and they move farther upriver as they grow. Most individuals leave the estuary in the autumn, but some late-spawned individuals probably remain in the estuary through the winter and into late spring.
Key words: Distribution, estuary, Hudson River, juveniles, Prionotus evolans
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: SCHMIDT, R. E. 2007. Young striped searobins (Triglidae:
) in the Hudson River.
: 67–71.