NAFO posted on December 01, 2001 06:06
M. J. Morgan
Department of Fisheries and Oceans, P. O. Box 5667
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada A1C 5X1
Source - Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, Volume 29:41-49
M. J. Morgan. 2001. Time and Location of Spawning of American plaice in NAFO Divisions 3LNO. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci. 29: 41-49.
Spawning times and spawning locations of American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) on the Grand Bank (NAFO Divisions 3LNO) were examined from 1971 to 1999. No specific spawning locations were identified, rather spawning was widespread throughout the Grand Bank. Spawning occurred over a broad seasonal period; spawning females were found in all months from February through August, with the highest proportion of spawners occurring in April through June. Significant annual variability occurred in the time of spawning, with a trend towards later spawning in the early-1990s. Spawning time was positively correlated with temperature and depth, and negatively correlated with the weighted mean age of the spawning stock biomass.
Language - English
Publisher - Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Oragnization (NAFO), Dartmouth, N.S., Canada
Publication Date - 2001
Publication Type - Journal Article
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Citation: M. J. Morgan. 2001. Time and Location of Spawning of American plaice in NAFO Divisions 3LNO. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci. 29: 41-49.