NAFO posted on December 31, 2000 05:17
B. G. Stevens and P. J. Anderson
National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Kodiak Laboratory, P.O. Box 1638, Kodiak, AK 99615, USA
Source - Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science. Volume 27: 77-82
B. G. Stevens and P. J. Anderson. 2000. An Association Between the Anemone, Cribrinopsis fernaldi, and Shrimps of the Families Hippolytidae and Pandalida. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci. 27: 77-82. https//
A previously undocumented association between the pink sea anemone Cribrinopsis fernaldi and several species of Caridean shrimp was observed from a submersible in Kodiak, Alaska. Shrimp were aggregated in a radial pattern around anemones, beneath or just beyond the tentacle canopy. Species collected with a suction sampler included Eualus suckleyi, Spirontocaris sp., Lebbeus grandimanus, L. groenlandicus and Pandalus tridens, but not Pandalus borealis, although it was probably also present. Numbers of shrimp per anemone increased with depth from 61 to 115 m, and more shrimp were observed on silty-sand than on sandy-gravel substrates. While associations between actinians and Hippolytid shrimp are common in tropical waters, this association is unique because of its northern geographic location and the involvement of Pandalid shrimp.
Language - English
Publisher - Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO), Dartmouth, N.S., Canada
Publication Date - December 2000
Publication Type - Journal Article
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Citation: B. G. Stevens and P. J. Anderson. 2000. An Association Between the Anemone,
Cribrinopsis fernaldi, and Shrimps of the Families Hippolytidae and Pandalida. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci. 27: 77-82. https//