NAFO posted on December 01, 1982 23:58
D. J. Power
Department of Biology, Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada A1B 3Y1
l-Hsun Ni
Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Fisheries Research Branch
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre, P. O. Box 5667
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada A1C 5X1
Source - Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, Volume 3(2): 165-168
Power, D.J. and Ni, I-H. 1982. Morphology of the Extrinsic Gasbladder Musculature in the Golden Redfish, Sebastes marinus. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci. 3(2): 165-168.
The morphology of extrinsic gasbladder musculature of Sebastes marinus was examined to provide criteria that may be useful in discrimination of the three Northwest Atlantic redfishes, particularly for small individuals. The investigation revealed that S. marinus has a short, wide L-shaped gasbladder muscle which is generally tricipital. The most frequent pattern of tendons extending posteriorly was attachment of dorsal head tendons to ventral rib 2, passage of central head tendons between ribs 2 and 3, and passage of ventral head tendons between ribs 3 and 4. This is significantly different from the long, narrow gasbladder muscle of beaked redfishes, with passage between ribs 2 and 3 in S. mentella and between ribs 3 and 4 in S. fasciatus.
Language - English
Publisher - Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO), Dartmouth, N.S., Canada
Publication Date - December 1982
Publication Type - Journal Article
Descriptors - Atlantic redfishes, morphology
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Citation: Power, D.J. and Ni, I-H. 1982. Morphology of the Extrinsic Gasbladder Musculature in the Golden Redfish,
Sebastes marinus. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci. 3(2): 165-168.