NAFO posted on February 01, 1991 11:32
Gary A. Nelson and Michael R. Ross
Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management, University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003, USA
Source - Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, Volume 11: 11-27
Nelson, G.A. and Ross, M.R. 1991. Biology and Population Changes of Northern Sand Lance (Ammodytes dubius) from the Gulf of Maine to the Middle Atlantic Bight. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci. 11: 11-27.
Trends in temporal and spatial abundance, and population size structure of the sand lance, Ammodytes dubius, were examined based on trawl survey data from 1963 to 1988. Reproduction, age structure and growth were evaluated in 1986-88 from the Gulf of Maine to Middle Atlantic Bight region off eastern USA. Relative abundance indices which were near zero prior to 1976, increased dramatically (5-10 fold) from 1976 to 1981 in all regions studied. Subsequently, abundance dropped from 1982 to 1987.
Gonadal recrudescence of A. dubius begins in late July and males appeared to mature earlier in a reproductive season than females. Estimates of fecundity ranged from 1,169 to 22,904 ova per female for sand lance 137 to 213 mm total length. Maximum age estimated from otoliths and vertebrae was 5 years. Age at 50% maturity was age II for all regions in spring. Comparison of Von Bertalanffy growth curves derived for A. dubius from the study regions to published values from Newfoundland and Nova Scotia suggests a decline in length and age with declining latitude.
Language - English Publisher - Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO), Dartmouth, N.S., Canada
Publication Date - February 1991
Publication Type - Journal Article
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Citation: Nelson, G.A. and Ross, M.R. 1991. Biology and Population Changes of Northern Sand Lance
(Ammodytes dubius) from the Gulf of Maine to the Middle Atlantic Bight. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci. 11: 11-27.